Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Budget

This pie chart tells about the UK budget and where the money goes with a total £ 315 billion divided into ten categories.

The highest money spent in the UK budget is social security with £100 billion followed by health and personal social services which is £53 billion. As we see in this chart, the Debt and the Other expenditure and Defence  have around the same level which is between £25 billion to £22 billion . Then we see the government spent on housing, heritage and environment £15 billion which is lower than the others. Next we see what they spent on Industry around £13 billion which is smaller than the Housing. Finally the lowest amount is spent on Transport which is around £9 billion.

This chart shows us where the money is spent and what the Government focuses on. We see they are focusing on Social Security and Health services more than the others.

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