Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This table shows the information about two winds, hurricanes and tornadoes. In this report we will discuss the differences between them and how they affect and impact our world.

First of all, the minimum speed of hurricanes is 74 mph. but the tornado’s is 40 mph. On the other hand we see the maximum speed of a hurricane is 155-200mph, which is lower than the tornado 250-300mph. The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson scale c1 – c5. However, a tornado is classified on the Fujita scale f0-f5. Moreover, we see the hurricane lasts for one week. Also we see tornadoes last for a few minutes and up to hours sometimes. In addition, a hurricane usually starts over the oceans. On the other hand, we the tornadoes start usually  over land.
In a conclusion, hurricanes are more predictable then tornadoes, last a longer period  of time and do not have a strong wind as the tornadoes have.


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