Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There are many problems in Abu Dhabi and one of them is traffic congestion which is considered the first problem in Abu Dhabi. As we know there are causes of this problem and as with everything in the world there will be solutions. In this essay I will discuss and describe the causes of traffic congestion and the solutions.

First of all, we will start with the causes and the problems of traffic congestion. There are many but one of them is the growing population in Abu Dhabi. As we know Abu Dhabi has a large number of people that immigrate to it, and work in it and have their opportunity. Secondly, we have the construction problem in Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is the city that cannot stop working in the Middle East. The rush hour in Abu Dhabi is between 8 clock in the morning to 9 clock and many people use limited roads and they are always under construction which causes really heavy traffic. Moreover, sometimes on the road we meet young Emirati drivers who drive too riskily and cause accidents on the roads and make traffic congestion.

There are many solutions of the traffic congestion and one of them is better education to the young Emirati people. However, as we mentioned, there are many people in the UAE and many expatriates and  we can reduce the problem by limiting the number of cars per household. In addition, we can be more strict to the young people who are crazy when driving.

In conclusion, Abu Dhabi as we know is an island so there are not many solutions that can be done. Only to make people more knowledgeable about the danger of traffic congestion and the punishments that can be done.

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