Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Comparing villages and cities

There are many similarities and differences between living in a small village and living in a big city. This essay will discuss the similarities and the differences between them and which is better to live in.

First of all, one of the similarities is that both the village and the city have the same facilities such as roads, hospital, shops and schools. There are a lot of things that are common between the village and the city. But the differences are more.

Secondly, the most important difference is the population. Of course the city has a larger population than the village. In  addition, living in a small village is too quiet and more relaxing. On the other hand, the city is quite noisy. Moreover, in a village there is nowhere to enjoy yourself in, like malls. But in the city there are many malls and restaurants that you can eat in. The education in the city is more provided by the Government than the village such as, universities, schools and colleges.

In conclusion, I do prefer the city because there is more life and energy but the village I think is for old people to relax in. If you ask someone and he is young definitely he will say “in my opinion I will live in the city because all the things you like are around you”.


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