Sunday, May 15, 2011

There are many countries in the world which have capital punishment for the criminals and some are not such as Japan. In this essay I will argue and discuss the capital punishment for several countries that perform the capital the punishment and how it affects the society.  
The main argument is that no man should decide whether a follow human being should live or die. Moreover, many people think capital punishment is not civilized in the modern world. Also some people think that capital punishment should be stopped.

On the other hand, many people think that if you kill someone you deserve to be dead like him. Also many countries follow their religion that orders them to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and It this is a deterrent. Some criminals are sick and they do not have the right to be alive in the planet for their crimes.  Most people have  heard the stories of awful crimes that make you feel to be sick.
In conclusion, it is common in many countries that capital punishment make people afraid of doing something wrong against the country or the government and my opinion in this essay is every country should have the capital punishment in their legal system to make every criminal to consider when he thinks to kill someone. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The table shows five cities regarding the underground train system, comparing by opening date, length and passengers in 2010.They are London, Paris, Tokyo, Kyoto and Boston.
 First of all, the longest one is London which is 394kms, opened in 1863 and it is the oldest of the five cities. Secondly we see Paris opened in 1900 and the length is 199kms.The third city is Tokyo which was established in 1927 and the length is 155kms. Moreover, Kyoto opened in 1981 and Boston 2001. On the other hand, we see Tokyo is the largest in the passengers’ number which is 192M. Next is Paris which is 189M, followed by London which is 77M. However, we see both Boston and Kyoto have small numbers which are 50M for Boston and 45M for Kyoto.
In conclusion, both London and Paris are the longest and the oldest between the cities in the table shown above.

151 words